Bespoke Programming
Bespoke programming is often seen as expensive, however this is not always the case. Because we can develop based on your working methods, using terminology that your staff are already familiar with, we can reduce training time & costs. Also because we can create the software to exactly match your business requirements, you are not paying for off the shelf features that you will never use.
We develop software solutions that validate user input, thus ensuring the data in your system is as accurate as possible and capable of producing reliable trusted output. When designing bespoke software we ensure also that the solution is adaptable, and can evolve as your business grows, ensuring that you are building on your original investment, rather than starting over from scratch. With our skills and careful planning, you can start by developing a bespoke software application to create efficiencies in one area of your business, in time this may be expanded to cover other areas.

If you are looking for an online hosted solution for access by multiple sites, a web based solution for customers or distributors or a system to be deployed on a local network we'd love to hear from you.
We've been designing & building successful relational databases since 1999, in that time, the solutions we have developed have helped numerous organisations grow and become more organised - how can we help you?
Whether integrating with your existing CRM or developing from scratch, our team have the skills & experience to deliver solutions that will transform customer relations and help grow your business.
Don't chuck the baby out with the bathwater! If you have a legacy software system that works perfectly well and need to integrate elements with your website or other applications - give us a shout!
BASED IN Carlisle, Cumbria and in
Eskdale Solutions, design, develop and optimise websites (SEO) that will showcase your business, & increase relevant traffic to generate sales and enquiries.