SELLIT Ecommerce Software
(Online Shopping)
In August 2014, the BBC reported that "some 74% of adults had bought goods or services online this year", they went on to report that "Internet shopping had grown in popularity, rising from 53% of adults buying goods and services online in 2008 to 74% now."
SellIT is user friendly ecommerce software that enables you to capitalise on this growth and increase the profitability of your business. Completely scalable, SellIT can be configured to suit businesses ranging from the smallest gift shops to larger online stores with multiple departmentsor even online shopping malls. SellIT is cleverly designed and integrated with manageIT(Content Management System) to provide maximum flexibility.
Why would you need any other system?

Secure Online Payments
PCI compliance? No Problem! - As standard, SellIT ecoomece software is configured to integrate with SagePay secure online payment system. Other popular options for online payment include WorldPay, SecPay and Paypal however, SellIT can be configured for any.

Resillience & Stability
A secure, resillient online shop creates confidence for you as the retailer and builds trust with your customers. SellIT is tried & tested; structured over MS SQL for speed and flexibility, with all the benefits and integration options that Microsoft technologies deliver.

Search Engine Optimisation
SellIT enables search engine optimisation to the deepest levels with the ability to create search friendly URL's for each product. Bespoke heading tags and meta information can also be added to each product to maximise visibility and relevancy thus increasing sales.

Easy Order Processing
Your secure login provides access to your order management area where you can see orders as they come in, confirm payment and print picking notes. When items are sent, in the order status, simply select "despatched" to move the order into sent items then focus on new orders.
BASED IN Carlisle, Cumbria and in
Eskdale Solutions, design, develop and optimise websites (SEO) that will showcase your business, & increase relevant traffic to generate sales and enquiries.